Fractional Leader

Process Development, Operations Management, Root Cause Analysis, and Continuous Improvement Expertise
root cause analysis

What is a Fractional Leader?

From Engineers, Human Resources, Directors of Operations, and Continuous Improvement Professionals to CFOs and COOs, fractional roles are becoming increasingly common at all levels of organizations around the world

Resource Options and their Characteristics

Fractional EmployeesConsultantsFreelancersFull-Time Employees
CommitmentPart-time (flexible)Project-basedProject-basedFull-time
CostMedium - often hourlyHigh project basedMedium - Low- project basedHigh - salary + benefits
SkillsSpecializedWide-rangingVaries per individualWide-ranging
ControlHigh (set tasks)Low (deliverables driven)Medium (task- specific)High (direct supervision)
DurationVariable (could be long-term)Short-term/project-basedShort-term/project-basedLong-term
ExpertiseRich, industry- specificVariable, often generalistNiche-specificVaries per position
RelationshipOngoing, collaborativeShort-term, project- focusedShort-term, task- focusedPermanent, team- focused

Past Business Structure

A full-time employee could fill most of a job’s requirements with a narrow task focus, but not fully fill the organizations needs. Or fill an organizations needs and not be able to fully meet the job requirements. In this, the organization sacrifices one or the other to fill positions.
Full-time employees come with fully loaded cost and salary. Along with time and effort either tailoring the job to their abilities, or trying to tailor them to what the job and organization needs

Future Business Structure

As full-time employees turn over more quickly, and are less willing to work, businesses will be drawing on outside expertise to fill the job requirements.
Fractional Leaders who have years of experience, and can help fill both the needs of the organization, and are experts at the job’s requirements, will be used more frequently at a lower cost to fill the employee gap
Contractors, suppliers, and customers will be able to meet job specific needs, but are often not willing to, or able to fill the needs of an organization on a long-term basis.

How I Can Help

Many entrepreneurs are working very hard to build and grow their business. Often taking on more roles, and stepping into areas, that they know very little about. The last thing they feel they have time for, is identifying gaps in their processes, building a continuous improvement culture, and developing their future leaders. Entrepreneurs, know they need this, but don’t know how they will have time to make it happen.

Let me bring my years of experience into your organization, and as part of your team, move your business to the next level of efficiency, continuity, and stability.
The following are skills and abilities that I bring to the table, and as part of your team, would bring into your organization.
Matt yearsley

30 Plus Years Experience in Operational Leadership

I have successfully interacted with, trained, and influenced all levels of many organizations, and have been heavily involved with setting the strategy of the organizations I have worked for.


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